Know Your Soul

After almost two decades experience as a massage therapist, and being involved in many different spiritual practices, what I offer to clientele has expanded  under the umbrella of what I call “Soul Play.”

Soul Play is my way of using ritual, awareness practices, journeys, and a variety of techniques together in an energy of play, love, and celebration to dive deep into self-discovery and embrace our true selves.

I'm not just a life coach or massage therapist; I'm a unique, soul-centered facilitator creating spaces for authentic expression, healing, and tapping into innate wisdom. Whether it's through one-on-one sessions, workshops, or ceremony, my goal is to support individuals in unlocking their true potential and living aligned with their desires.

Feel free to book in-person or online sessions with me and experience the magic and expansive support of Soul Play!

Book an appointment.

Whether you want to dip your foot into a little one-on-one Soul Play, or take on a new phase of your life in a personalised workshop, there is much to be offered here. For a regular channeling session that includes a chat and channeling sign up for an Akashic Reading.