A soul-felt witness of the boundless and eternal love, forgiveness, and acceptance the Father and the Son emanate to every being and "thing" in the universe. A testimony of Deity's true nature and a dispelling of the myths, traditions, and distorted views regarding the Divine. Narrated by the author, Eric Bjarnson.

About The Author

Eric Bjarnson was raised with seven other siblings in various parts of San Diego County, where he attended El Capitan High School and Grossmont College before leaving for Finland on a life-changing proselyting mission on behalf of the LDS Church (1967-1970). Eric's innate interest from childhood on in spiritual matters has been nurtured and honed through the many callings he has accepted over the decades in the LDS Church. His Finnish mission and his many teaching and leadership roles played a significant part in shaping his ideas, strengthening his testimony, and teaching him to love and serve his fellow man. Above all, his deep personal relationship with the Lord has been the impetus and inspiration behind his decision in his late 60's to start sharing his thoughts through writing.

Audiobook available here and many other major platforms. Printed book available on Amazon.

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