“The Seed” Journal

Welcome to your journal for “The Seed: A Playbook of Soul Experience and Expansive Identity.” This journal has been developed for those who have purchased the printed book or do not wish to record their transformative experience within the space provided in the book. In coordination with the audiobook and/or e-book you will have all that is necessary to experience these inner journeys to the fullest and recognize the transformations taking place within your life.
This journal, along with the audiobook, supports this way of discovery, to acknowledge the gift that your choice and unique soul signature and spark offer to the Earth and beyond. If you have ever wondered how to enter magical realms and bring that energy into your life, we offer you an opening to do so.
There is magic and power available to you in this human experience. We are here to explore this together with you, expand your awareness, and provide grounding and opportunities for growth in this new way of play. Simply said, we are here to encourage you and support you in the discovery of all that you are.
Let the journey begin!

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